GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE OF PRODALIM (SHANGHAI) TRADING CO., LTD., established in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China, registration number 91310000MA1G138F0Q, whose address is Room 202-D, 2/F, Zone B, Building 6, 255 Hongliu Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, hereinafter referred to as "Prodalim".

波达利(上海)贸易有限公司通用采购条款,公司设立于中国上海市,注册号为91310000MA1G138F0Q,地址为上海市普陀区红柳路255号6幢 B区二层202-D室,以下简称“波达利”。

1.         GENERAL

1.        通用条款

1.1            All offers, orders and all agreements, whether orally or in writing, and including any amendments thereto (collectively “Agreements”) between Prodalim and a supplier of Prodalim (hereinafter the “Supplier”) for the purchase of products by Prodalim from the Supplier and delivery are subject to these general terms and conditions which are an integral part of the Agreement. Agreements are not binding on Prodalim until the receipt by Supplier of a confirmation by Prodalim which is signed by Prodalim.

1.1  波达利与波达利的供应商(下称“供应商”)就波达利向供应商购买产品以及交付的所有要约、订单和协议(包括任何修订,合称“协议”),无论是口头或书面的,均受限于本通用条款,并构成协议的不可分割部分。在供应商收到由波达利签署的确认之前,协议对波达利不具有约束力。

1.2          Supplier may, in a respective Agreement, invoke provisions that deviate from these general terms and conditions herein or that waive or that otherwise change any of the provisions in these general terms and conditions only if and to the extent that Prodalim has accepted such provisions, deviation, waiver, change or contradiction in writing. Any conflicting terms and conditions of Supplier are hereby expressly excluded.


1.3          Supplier who has entered into an Agreement with Prodalim upon which these general terms and conditions are applicable, consents to the applicability of these general terms and conditions to Agreements concluded with Prodalim hereafter.

1.3 供应商与波达利签订本通用条款适用之协议时,同意本通用条款适用于其后与波达利签订之协议。

1.4  If for any reason any provision in these general terms and conditions is held to be invalid, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect; an invalid provision shall be deemed to be replaced by a valid provision which most closely achieves the economic purpose of the invalid provision as far as possible.

1.4 如果本通用条款的任何条款因任何原因被认定无效,其余条款应继续完全有效;无效条款应被视为由最接近该无效规定的经济目的的有效条款所替代。


2.        价格与付款

2.1          The price(s) for the products must be specified in the Agreement and remain fixed for the term of the Agreement.

2.1 产品价格必须在协议中明确约定,并在协议期限内保持不变。

2.2  Unless otherwise stated in the Agreement, the price payable for the products is:

2.2.1. inclusive of value added tax ("VAT") or other sales tax; and

2.2.2. inclusive of all charges for packaging, shipping, carriage, insurance and delivery of the products, and all duties, licenses, permits and taxes as may be payable for the products from time to time.

2.2 除非协议另有约定,产品的价格应包含下列各项:

2.2.1 包含增值税或其他销售税;且

2.2.2. 包含产品的所有包装费、装运费、运费、保险费和交付费用,以及就产品不时应付的所有关税、许可费、证照费和税收。

2.3  Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, and subject to Supplier complying with its obligations under the Agreement, Prodalim shall pay for the products within fifteen (15) working days after the end of the month following the month of receipt of Supplier’s duly prepared and accurate invoice. Supplier may not issue the invoice until the relevant products have been delivered to Prodalim. Invoices must always include the official order number and comply with all applicable laws and any specifications requested by Prodalim.

2.3  除非协议另有约定,且在供应商遵守其在协议项下义务的前提下,波达利应在收到供应商正式开具的准确发票之后的下个月结束后 15 个工作日内支付产品的价款。供应商仅可在有关产品交付给波达利后开具发票。发票必须始终包含正式订单编号,并符合所有适用法律和波达利的任何规格要求。

2.4 Prodalim may withhold payment of any disputed or insufficiently documented amounts included in any invoice. Prodalim may further set-off any sum due from Supplier to Prodalim, against any amount due from Prodalim to Supplier under the Agreement.


2.5  Payment of an invoice by Prodalim does not constitute acceptance of the products covered by the invoice and is without prejudice to any and all claims Prodalim may have against Supplier in connection with the Agreement.

2.5 波达利支付发票金额不构成接受该发票所涉及的产品,并且不影响波达利可能对供应商享有的与协议有关的任何及所有权利主张。

3.         DELIVERY

3.        交付

3.1          Any agreed delivery dates and terms shall be binding. Supplier shall deliver the products in accordance with Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) (Incoterms (2010) as may be amended) and to the location designated in the Agreement (hereinafter the “Location”).

3.1 任何约定的交付日期和交付条款应具有约束力。供应商应按照国际贸易术语解释通则2010 及其修订版的贸易术语完税后交货“DDP”,将产品交付至协议中指定地点(“地点”)。

3.2           Partial deliveries and early deliveries are not permitted unless expressly agreed to in writing by Prodalim.

3.2 不允许部分交付或者提前交付,波达利明确书面同意的除外。

3.3  If Supplier fails to deliver the products (or any part thereof) by the agreed delivery dates, Prodalim may, without prejudice to other rights or remedies Prodalim may have under the Agreement or any other legal grounds and without liability to Supplier, terminate the Agreement by giving written notice to Supplier, provided that (i) Supplier fails to deliver the products within the time period set forth in Prodalim’s written notice requesting same; or (ii) Supplier’s failure has frustrated the purpose of the Agreement. In such a case, Prodalim may request a refund of the purchase price, if already paid, and claim compensation for all costs, expenses, damages and other losses suffered due to Supplier’s failure.

3.3 如果供应商未能在约定的交付日期前交付产品(或其任何部分),在不影响波达利于协议项下或任何其他法律依据下所享其他权利或救济权,且对供应商无需承担责任的情况下,波达利可在书面通知供应商后解除协议,前提是(i)供应商未能在波达利书面通知要求的交货期限内交付产品,或(ii)供应商的该等违约已致使协议目的不能实现。在该种情况下,波达利可要求返还产品采购价款(若该价款已支付),也可对因供应商违约而发生的所有支出、费用、损害和其他损失要求赔偿。

3.4          Acceptance of late deliveries without reservation shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any claims to which Prodalim is entitled due to late delivery.


4.         QUALITY

4.        质量要求

4.1  Supplier shall provide products of the highest quality and in accordance with the specifications agreed and Supplier's Warranties (as defined in Article 5 below). Supplier shall comply with the applicable statutory provisions and good industry practice and standard and shall develop, manufacture and inspect the products to be delivered so that they are in accordance therewith and with the Agreement.

4.1 供应商应提供最优质的产品,符合约定的规格并遵守第5条定义的供应商保证。供应商应遵守适用的法律规定及良好行业惯例及标准,并应开发、生产并检验待交付产品,使其符合前述要求及协议规定。

4.2  Prodalim may inspect the products upon or after its receipt. Prodalim is only required to inspect the products for variations in identity and quantity and obvious transport damage and Prodalim shall notify Supplier of any such discrepancies and damages within 14 days after receipt of the products at the Location.

4.2 波达利可在收到产品时或之后检查产品。波达利仅需检查产品的外观和数量的差异以及明显的运输损坏,波达利应在交货地点收到产品后的14日内通知供应商任何该等不一致和损害。

4.3  Prodalim may reject the products in whole or in part if they are not proven by Supplier to be compliant with the requirements under the Agreement and/or any specifications agreed. If Prodalim does not accept the products in whole or in part, Supplier shall promptly investigate the non-conformity, correct such non-conformity and repeat the acceptance procedure.

4.3 若供应商不能证明产品符合协议项下的要求及/或任何约定的规格,波达利可拒绝全部或部分产品。在此情况下,供应商应及时调查不合格产品,纠正此等不合格情况并再次执行验收流程。


5.        供应商保证

5.1  Without prejudice to any warranties under the Agreement or any other legal grounds, Supplier warrants that the products and any parts or materials used in the manufacture or performance of any work related to the products will:

5.1.1.  be free from any liens and encumbrances;

5.1.2.  be fit for the intended purpose;

5.1.3.  be fit for any special purpose as defined by Prodalim to Supplier;

5.1.4.  conform to the specifications agreed in all respects and, where applicable;

5.1.5   be new and unused, and free from any defects (latent or otherwise);

5.1.6.  conform to all applicable international and local laws and regulations relating to the design, manufacture, sale, packaging, labelling, safety standards and use of the products, which are in force on the date of delivery;

5.1.7.  be accompanied by all information, warnings, instructions and documentation relevant for the use, storage, operation, consumption, transportation and disposal of such products.

5.1 在不影响协议项下或任何其他法律依据下任何保证的情况下,供应商保证,产品及生产产品或履行与产品有关的任何工作中使用的任何部件或材料:

5.1.1. 不存在任何留置权和权利负担;

5.1.2. 适用于其目标用途;

5.1.3. 适合于波达利向供应商确定的任何特殊用途;

5.1.4. 在各方面符合约定的规格(如适用);

5.1.5 是新的和未使用过的,无任何缺陷(潜在或其他缺陷);

5.1.6. 符合交付日有效适用的有关产品设计、生产、销售、包装、标签、安全标准和使用的所有国际和当地的法律和法规;


5.2  Any warranties set forth in this Article 5 or existing under the Agreement or any other legal grounds (“Supplier's Warranties”) apply for a period of 24 months after acceptance of the products at the Location or any longer period stipulated by the applicable law or in the Agreement.

5.2本第 5条约定或协议项下或任何其他法律依据下存在的任何保证(“供应商保证”)适用期限为自收货地点验收产品起 24 个月,或适用法律或协议中规定的任何更长期限。


6.        损失风险

6.1  Unless the parties agree otherwise, the risk of loss and damage passes to Prodalim at the time of receipt of the products at the Location. Where an acceptance procedure is agreed or required, the date of final acceptance by Prodalim will determine the transfer of risk.



7.        所有权转让

7.1  Title to all or the relevant part of the products passes to Prodalim on the earlier of (i) payment for such products or part thereof; and (ii) delivery of such products at the agreed Location.

7.1 所有产品或相关部分的所有权将在以下时间(其中较早日)转让给波达利:(i)支付该产品或相关部分的价款时;及(ii)在约定的地点交付该等产品时。


8.        责任和赔偿

8.1  If a claim is made against Prodalim by a third party arising out of or in connection with the provision of products by Supplier, then, Supplier shall immediately indemnify Prodalim and its employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, customers, successors and assignees (the “Indemnified Parties”) from all costs and damages incurred or to be incurred by Prodalim (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees or other legal cost).

8.1 若波达利因供应商交付的产品而被第三方要求索赔,则供应商应立即向波达利及其雇员、管理人员、董事、股东、代理商、客户、继承者及受让人(“受偿方”)赔偿由此产生或将要产生的任何支出和损害(包括不限于律师费或其它法律费用)。

8.2  Without prejudice to any other legal or contractual rights that Prodalim has or may have, Supplier shall immediately indemnify Prodalim and the Indemnified Parties against any liability, loss, costs (including legal fees, costs for recalls and costs for its own employees), damage or injury in consequence of (i) any defective products, (ii) any breach by Supplier or its suppliers or subcontractors of the Agreement (including any late delivery), (iii) any negligence, gross negligence, willful default or wrongful act or omission of Supplier or its suppliers or subcontractors.


9.         RESCISSION

9.        解除

9.1  Prodalim may at any time and for any reason (or for no reason) terminate the Agreement in whole or in part, without liability to Supplier by giving Supplier five (5) days written notice whereupon all performance of the Agreement shall be discontinued.


9.2  If Supplier commits a material breach of any provision of the Agreement or Supplier files a petition in bankruptcy or has such a petition filed against it or is subject to an insolvency proceeding or a proceeding giving protection against creditors, Prodalim may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect, without liability to Supplier by giving Supplier written notice.

9.2 如果供应商严重违反协议的任何条款,或供应商提出破产申请或被提起破产申请,或成为破产清算程序或债权人保护程序针对的对象,波达利可书面通知供应商解除协议且立即生效,无需向供应商承担责任。

9.3  Expiration, termination or rescission of the Agreement for whatever reason shall not prejudice the provisions of these general terms and conditions, which, by their nature, must be deemed to survive such expiration, termination or rescission, including but not limited to Articles 8 and 10.

9.3 协议期满、终止或因任何原因解除均不应影响本通用条款中按其性质在协议期满、终止或解除后应当继续有效的条款,包括但不限于第8条和第10条。


10.     争议和适用法律

10.1 All disputes between the parties relating to the Agreement, further contracts resulting therefrom or in connection therewith, shall be exclusively submitted to Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center) for arbitration in Shanghai, in the English language, in accordance with the arbitration rules in force at that time. The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon the parties.

10.1 双方之间与协议相关的、由协议产生的或与协议相关的其他合同有关的所有争议,均应提交上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(上海国际仲裁中心),按照届时有效的仲裁规则,在上海以英文进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。

10.2 All agreements between Prodalim and the Supplier, including, without limitation, the Agreement and these general terms and conditions, are subject to the laws of the People’s Republic of China.


11.      LANGUAGE

11.     语言

11.1 These general terms and conditions are written both in English and Chinese language. In case of discrepancies between the two language versions, the English version shall prevail.

11.1 本通用条款以英文和中文书写。如果两种文本存在不一致,应以英文文本为准。



Here at Prodalim, we can provide you with a variety of solutions for your beer, from a whole world of juice ingredients that we can offer you to different natural aromas and even solutions for de-alcoholization so that you can expand your product portfolio.

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Come and add excitement to your water,
We at Prodalim offer a variety of solutions for the fortified water category, from complete concepts that meet the latest trends in the market, see how you can enrich your drink with different fruit flavors, aromas and many other functions,

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Our solution for Water industry:

Unlock a world of opportunities in the Juice Industry with Prodalim, your committed partner for innovative solutions.
Whether you are seeking a thrilling new juice sensation or developing new concepts in your markets, or hoping to enhance your product range, Prodalim is your reliable ally on the road to success.
Prodalim is dedicated to helping grow your brand, from creating unique concepts to supplying high-quality juice ingredients such as juice concentrate, natural aromas, and more.

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Prodalim‘s natural product range is based on fermented juices. The combination of all natural ingredients together with well-accepted fruity cocktail flavors make a colourful and eyecatching range of fruit wines. 

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Carbonated Soft Drinks

Prodelim offers a variety of natural solutions that will elavate your Fizzy lovable product. Enter and learn how we can be your partner in the development of new products that meet the most current trends in the market

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Our solution for Carbonated Soft Drinks industry:
Sport & Energy Drinks

A healthy diet is complementary to a healthy lifestyle and sports drinks are an active part of maintaining this routine.
enter to learn about Prodalim's ultimate solutions for active consumers - from sports concepts to other natural ingredients and aromas that  can benefit a sporty lifestyle

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Our solution for Sport & Energy Drinks industry:
Ice Cream

Fruity, delicious, refreshing and most importantly frozen. Prodelim provides a variety of natural solutions for the ice cream industry, from different fruit and juice ingredients to natural aromas and different solutions.

Come and learn what solutions we can provide

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Our solution for Ice Cream industry:
Baby Food

Our babies deserve the best. Let's explore the natural solutions that Prodel can provide in the nutrition of newborns and children
Fruits and natural ingredients have always been important in the nutrition of the first period of life and which form the best basis for the child's development.

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Our solution for Baby Food industry:
Dairy & Dairy Alternative

Prodalim developed different natural solutions for the dairy alternative market, our range of plant-based drinks with high percent of juice content, served as Smoothie or Morning Drink  drive innovation in the dairy alternative market!

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Our solution for Dairy & Dairy Alternative industry:

Whether at a romantic dinner, a party, or even a quiet evening at home, a  cocktail and spirits are suitable for any occasion!
Prodalim presents its solutions for spirits. from a delicious unique line of cocktails developed to fit the right spirit, to de-alcoholization solutions, enter to find out more.

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Jam & Marmalade

Prodelim offers a variety of natural solutions that will lift your product portfolio. Enter and learn how we can be your partner in the suppling natural fruit ingredients  to your products.

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Our solution for Jam & Marmalade industry:

Discover a new world of opportunities with different natural solutions for your product portfolio, from juice ingredients, natural aromas to other solutions

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Fruits are nature's original sweets, so it is clear that the use of natural fruit ingredients will continue to be part of the industry. nter to find out more.

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Come and learn how the Prodalim  solutions  can help you in your creation for natural sauces with a clean label meeting consumer trend and market demand  

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Our solution for Confectionery industry: